Topics: Fluoride in Water, Identifying Feelings, Living from Your Heart Not the Head, Relationships and Heart Ache, Root Canals and Emotions, Shakti and Staying Grounded, Vegan Diet and Detachment
Topics: Chemicals for Weeds, Chlorine-Free Water and Plants, Domestic Pets and Euthanazia, India Pilgrimage, Masters See Our Full Divinity, Mother Earth Healing Us, Overcoming Fear of Negativie Energies, Staring into the Sun, Vegetarian Diet and Anemia
Topics: Affects of Drinking Coffee, Affects of GMO, Autism in a Child, Avoiding Karma from Killing Animals or Insects, Devotion, Meditation, Remembering Childhood Memories, Self-Forgiveness, Teenagers and Sexuality
Topics: Bisexuality, Effects of Smudging, Healing and Family, Hypnotherapy, Kundalini Awakening, Overcoming Fear to Speak, Overcoming Seperation from God, Parenting Teenagers, Releasing Emotions Responsibly, Spirit Guides, What does Louix See When He Looks in to Our Eyes
Topics: Financial Abundance, God/Guru and Self/Soul Explained, India Pilgrimage, Overcoming Tension around Creativity, Relationships, The Truth Shall Set you Free
Topics: Affect of Discordant Music, Animals and Opening Your Heart, Crying and Healing, Death, Guru's Feet, Nightmares and Separation, Overcoming Fear of Speaking Up, Re-parenting Your Innerchild, Souls
Topics: Achieving Enlightenment, Creating Affirmations, Difference Between Louix's Ashrams and Others, Health Risks of Birth Control Pills, Meditation and Prayers, Overcoming Resistance, Quote Explained, Relationship and Children
Topics: Your Life as Perfect Love Meditation
Topics: Breaking Habits, Direct Path to God, Louix's Different Names, Meditation and Resistance, Most Powerful Spiritual Practice, Overcoming Resistance, Relationships, Relationships and Uncondional Love, Year of Adoration
Topics: Financial Abundance and Beggars, Fossil Fuels, Keeping Your Heart Open, Mantra's, Marriage on the Spiritual Path, Meaning of Armageddon and The Second Coming, Meditation and Mind Chatter, Overcoming Guilt, Self-Judgment and Self-Condemnation, The Divine Romance, Tithing
Topics: Aura, Coping with the Death of a Loved One, Guru Absolving Pain, Meditation, Overcoming Fear, Positive Affirmations Before Sleep, Suicide, Teenagers Driving, White Sugar
Topics: Assisting Someone After Death, Benefits of Singing, Crystals, Dolphins and Reincarnation, Gender Conflict, Overcoming Fear, Plants and Consciousness, Reincarnation, The Role of the Guru after Death
Topics: Dealing With Overwhelm, Green Tea and Caffeine, Killing Bees, Relationship With Your Guru, Spiritual Perspective on Hardships, Surrender to God
Topics: Fossil Fuels, Infidelity, One Day Per Week Fast, Preventative Health Measures, Shakti, Shakti Defined, Transition to the Spiritual World
Topics: Benefits of Being in the Presence of a Master, Clothing the Master Wears, Crop Circles, Laughter, Menstrual Cramps, Power of the Spoken Word vs Singing, Preparing for Death, Punctuality, The Cause of Poverty, The Elderly, The Role of the Guru after Death
Topics: AIDS, Effects of Alcohol, Feeling and Detachment, Feeling is Healing, Forgiveness, Is Earth Optimally Populated?, Is There an Increase in Sexual Crimes?, Sacred Sites, Sustainability, What is Enlightenment?
Topics: Conceiving a Child, Death, Drug Use as a Spiritual Practice, Mobile Phone Health Risks, Overcoming what Others Think, Reverse Skin Damage, Self-Love, Subconscious and Higher Conscious Mind, UFO's and Other Worldy Beings
Topics: Autism in a Child, Financial Abundance, Masturbation, Natural Disasters, One's Dark Side, Urine Therapy
Topics: Pain and Resisting God, Tibetan Spiritual Practices
Topics: Addiction to Pornography, Death, Fear of Death, Menopause, Pains in the Body, Pornography, Reversing the Aging Process, Serving God vs Attaining Enlightenment
Topics: Alternative to Antibiotics, Benefits of the Ocean, Chronic Fatigue, Communing with Angels and Masters, Creating Discipline, Finding Your Guru, Invasive Procedures During Pregnancy, Obama
Topics: ADHT and Medication, Finding Time, Premature Grey Hair, Preparing for Death, Reincarnation, Suicide, Superfoods
Topics: Atheism, Blaming God, Helping Others with Dark Forces, IVF, Overeating, Vitamin B12 Injections, Why do Domestic Pets Exist
Topics: Depression, Getting Insects to Move On, Sexuality Before Marriage, War
Topics: Arrogance in Fixing Others, Group Dynamics and Healing, Meditation and the Breath, Purifying Past Drug Use, Victim Consciousness
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