Topics: Disciplining Children, Judgment of Others, Remembering Dreams, Starting a New Love Relationship, Taking a Newborn out of the Home
Topics: 2012 and Facing Changes, Enlightenment and Emotions, Fear of The Guru, Offering Help to Others, Recognizing Fear, Respect and Friendship with Louix, Shakti Defined
Topics: Connecting with Your Inner Child, Crying, Dark Night of the Soul, Drawing the Line with a Partner, Exhaustion and Repressed Emotions, Feeling Hopeless and Depressed, Overcoming Seperation from God
Topics: Detachment, Increasing Faith, Keeping Your Faith, Surrender, The Year of Faith, Yearly Benediction
Topics: Discourse on Meditation, Moonglow Meditation
Topics: Feeling Romantic Love for The Guru, Illness and God Experiences, Living Far Away from One's Guru, Other People Taking Credit, Overcoming Neediness, Resistance to Love, Seeing Balls of Light, Sensitivity and Being Around Others, Surrender and Letting God In, Tools for 2012
Topics: Family and The Spiritual Path, Guidance for Spiritual Practices, Serving God
Topics: Birthing Advice, Career and Having a Child, Drugs and the Elderly, Fear of Illness Returning, Influencing Millions of People, Snoring, Spiritual Training During Sleep, Supporting a Partner with Depression
Topics: Children and a Sense of Purpose, Feeling Lost, Feeling Misrepresented, Gossip, Healing Childhood Memories, Violent Video Games, When to Speak Up to Others
Topics: Astral Traveling vs Dream Traveling, Being Proactive with Issues, Devotional Singing, Difficulty in Creating Success, Female Circumcision, Helping a Friend with Drugs, Men and Affairs, Not Wanting to Work, Open Relationships, Transmuting Anger, Violent Computer Games
Topics: End of Poverty, Law of Tithing, Manifesting Abundance, Tithing
Topics: Differences Between Spiritual Masters, Finding a Job, Friendship and Differing Paths, Marriage Ending, Meaning Behind Accidents, Trust in Oneself
Topics: Forgiveness, Self-Forgiveness, The Power of Forgiveness
Topics: Dealing with a Live-in Mother, Financial Troubles, Meaning Behind Accidents, Retirement and Money, Trusting Inner Guidance
Topics: Becoming Organized, Bonding with Children During Puberty, Guilt and Family, Meditation and Feeling, Sharing Beliefs, Starting a New Job, What Happens During Sleep
Topics: Detachment, Marriage and Spiritual Beliefs, Overcoming Addictions, Selling a Building, Shakti
Topics: Balance in Life, Benefits of Gardening, Coping with the Death of a Loved One, Dealing with Stress and Overwhelm, Extraterrestrials, Invoking Angel Experiences, Overcoming Anxiety and Depression, Releasing Childhood Emotions, Serving Self vs Others, Unexpressed Emotion
Topics: Depression, Financial Responsibility, Identifying Feelings, Opening to God, Overcoming what Others Think, Psychic Predictions
Topics: Inner Peace, Natural Disaster in Japan, Planetary Changes, Power of Prayer and Distant Healing, Purifying Oneself
Topics: Comfort vs. Growth, Influence of Planets, Meaning of Being a Disciple, Migraines, Overcoming Fear of Speaking Up, Overcoming Neediness, Pranayama, Sleeping at the Wheel, The Past Present and Future, Types of Therapy Recommended, Why do Domestic Pets Exist
Topics: Abandonment, Child Abuse, Communicating Telepathically, Exceeding the Achievements of Parents, Menstrual Cramps and Pain Medication, Nothing is Your Fault, Everything is Your Responsibilty, Overcoming a Loss of Sense of Humor
Topics: Effects of Alcohol, Evaporated Cane Juice, God-Realization vs. Our Natural State of God Awareness, Meditation Recommendations, Needing to be Touched, Overcoming Gender Inferiority, Preparing for Death, Transmuting Anger
Topics: Christmas and Sacredness, Fatally Wounded Mouse, God and Pain, Learning Life's Lessons, The Force Field of Seperation
Topics: Communicating with Ascended Masters, Death, Invocation of Archangel Michael, Mountains and Meditation, Overcoming Guilt, Oxygen Bars, Past Lives and Meditation, Reducing Clutter
Topics: Affect of Discordant Music, Aura, Dense Music, How Raising our Vibration Effects Our Experiences, Karma
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