Topics: Can Disciples Pass On Louix's Grace?, Grace and Spiritual Progress, Guided Meditation, Helping Others on Our Spiritual Path, How to Deal with Shared Finances, How To Introduce New Baby to First Child, Meditation, Parenting, Prenuptial Agreements, Relationships and Shared Finances, Sibling Rivalry, Spiritual Energy and Vibration, Sun Chakra Cleanse Meditation
Topics: Benefits of Meditation, Communing with Angels and Masters, Darshan, Depression, Ego, Ego and Enlightenment, Enlightenment, Guru/Disciple Relationship, Meditation, Meditation Techniques, Religion and Gurus, Spiritual Practices for Purification, Supporting Someone With Depression, Why Does Louix's Body Jolt When He Gives Darshan?
Topics: Guided Meditation, Meditation, Sahara Sun Meditation
Topics: Are we Born with God's Grace?, Ashram vs Church, Can Disciples Pass On Louix's Grace?, Church Being The Body of Christ, Compassion, Compassion vs Pity, Difference Between Louix's Ashrams and Others, Differences Between Spiritual Masters, Divine Grace, Do Masters Speak Through Channels?, Emotional Healing and Diet, Forgiveness and Abuse, Forgiving Those Who Have Passed On, God's Grace, How Do Masters Communicate with us?, Is There Mortal Sin?, Using Food to Suppress Emotions, Vegan Diet, What is Grace?, Why you Draw Spiritual Masters in to Your Life
Topics: Astral Traveling vs Dream Traveling, Does Purgatory Exist?, Financial Troubles, Finding a Job, Guided Meditation, Lucid Dreaming, What Happens During Sleep, Whole-being Waterfall Cleanse
Topics: Healing Patterns of Abuse, How to Forgive Betrayal, Louix's Spiritual Training, Overcoming Projection in Relationships, Relationship with my Mother, Silent Meditation, Silent Transmission
Topics: Baby, Baby and Eczema, Baby Health, Dealing with Guilt and Shame, Parenting, Pranic Breathing, Sexuality, Shame Around Sexuality, Silent Meditation, Silent Transmission
Topics: Silent Meditation, Silent Transmission
Topics: Addictions, Best Practices to Develop Intuition, Can Anyone Be Infallible?, Dealing with Negative Energy, Drug Addiction, Expressing Feelings to Another, Forgiveness, Forgiveness and Family, Guidance for Spiritual Practices, Intuition, Overcomimg Negativity and Darkness, Overcoming Anxiety, Overcoming Fear of Speaking Up, Purging Negative Emotions, Scripture Vs Communion With God, Self-Purification, Spiritual Master's Infallability
Topics: Avatar, Benefits of Being in the Presence of a Master, Can and Enlightened Being Un-Enlighten?, Complacency, Difference Between Shakti and Grace, Divine Perspective on Politics, Does Love for God Absolve Karma?, Enlightenment and Emotions, Enlightenment and Fear-based Consciousness, Karma, Overcoming Trauma, Power and Greed, Selfishness, Shakti Vs Grace, Transmuting Karma, Was Jesus an Avatar?, What Are The Akashic Records?
Topics: Discourse on Projection, Fear of Intimacy, How to Increase Our Brain Potential, Meditation, Nutrition and Brain Potential, Overcoming Projection
Topics: Benefits of Fasting, Creating Discipline, Depression, Enlightenment, Fasting, Lack of Energy, Migraines, Migraines and Resistance, Migraines Triggered with Orgasm, Overcoming Resistance, Root Causes of Misery, Tiredness, What is Takes to Become Enlightened
Topics: Advice For Counseling Practice, Advice For Healing Practice, Benefits of Barefoot Walking, Can One be Humble without Being a Doormat?, Does Holy Communion Accelerate Self-Realization?, Experience of God's Love, Holy Communion and Self-Realization, How to Create Prasad, How to Experience Oneness with God, Significance of Prasad, Walking in Mastery, What Would Louix Have Chosen If Not This Walk With God
Topics: Difference Between Enlightenment and God-Realization, Disciplining a Teenager, Enlightenment, Forgiveness, God-Realization, Judgement of Others, Overcoming Your Judgements, Parenting, Parenting a Teenager, Parents and Judgement, Spiritual Journey, Support on Spiritual Journey, Why People Fall Short of Full Potential
Topics: Church and Salvation, Creating Divine Protection, Crying, Darshan from Louix's Viewpoint, Explanation of Darshan, Feeling is Healing, Grace of The Master, Grids/Protections and Meditations, Guru Absolving Pain, Release Suppressed Sadness and Grief, Transmuting Karma, Why is it Difficult for Some People to Cry?
Topics: Forgiveness, Forgiveness and Abuse, Judgement of Others, Overcoming Your Judgements, Parenting, Parenting and Abuse, Self-Forgiveness
Topics: Becoming More Surrendered, Bible and Scripture Interpretation, Children, God Speaks to us in Many Ways, Healing Childhood Wounds, Loneliness, Neediness, Overcoming Anxiety, Parenting, Spiritual Practices for Children, Surrender, What Does it Mean to Surrender
Topics: Age and the spiritual Path, Animal Medicine, Past Lives, Relationship With Your Guru, Relationships, Relationships and Loyalty, Understanding the Messages that Animals Deliver
Topics: Blessing at the North Pole Meditation, Guided Meditation, Meditation
Topics: Attuning to God's Will, Drugs, Exhaustion and Repressed Emotions, Louix's Cracked Neck Experience During Enlightenment, Louix's Physical Healings, Overcoming Trauma, Parenting and Healing, Power of Prayer, Prayer, Self-Care, Supporting Loved Ones with Drug Addiction
Topics: Alignment with God’s Will, Disciplining a Teenager, Does Everyone Need Healing?, Free Will, Parenting Teenagers, Strengthening One's Will Power, Violet Flame Chakra Cleansing Meditation, What Does Healing Mean?, Who Needs Healing?, Will Power
Topics: Dealing with Negative Energy, Disciple Vs Devotee, Healing Childhood Wounds, Health and Fitness, Health and Nutrition, Meaning of Being a Disciple, Non-Loving Behaviour, Overcomimg Negativity and Darkness, Power of Prayer, Relationships, The Art of Introspection, The Art of Self Inquiry
Topics: Dealing with the Loss of a Loved One, Do We Only Have this One Life, Fear of Death, Looking After Our Physical Bodies, Overcoming Fear, Reincarnation, Seven Precious Gems Meditation, What Happens After We Die?, Why we Have Physical Bodies
Topics: Alignment with God’s Will, Children and Fear, Discovering Who You are, Do You Need Yo Be Baptized to Get into Heaven, Experience of God's Love, Loneliness, Overcoming Anxiety, Parenting, Repressed Emotions, Screen time For Children, Self-Sabotage, Spiritual Journey, Technology and Children, Who am I?
Topics: Attuning to God's Will, Crying and Healing, Discerning the Ego, Health and Nutrition, How to Align Yourself to God's Will, Self-Sabotage, Supplements
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