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Webcast with Louix – 3 Oct 2019

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Louix begins with some toning. He then leads a meditation and ceremony to help those affected by some of the natural disasters happening around the world.

Questions Answered:

  1. Christians believe that the stronger a person’s faith becomes, the stronger is the desire to do good works and serve others. Is this true?
  2. What happens when a person refuses a gift from God (for example refusing a job, or a relationship)? Is there a lot of karma involved, and would a person suffer because of this refusal? Do you lose it permanently, or can this gift be gained in other ways?
  3. Growing up I had direct experiences of being sexually abused by caregivers. I also witnessed the predatory behavior of some adults on children in people around me at that time. I’m feeling this now and am wondering what you recommend to purify and release these violations.
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