Topics: Darshan, One-day Retreat, Q&A
Topics: Community, Dark Music, Darshan, Each Precious Moment, Enlightenment, Fear of Intimacy, Importance of Service, Meditation, Optimal Way for Human Society to Behave, Patience, Rainbow Meditation, Seva, Showing People You Love Them, Spiritual Perception of the Soul, Survival of the Fittest
Topics: A World of Friendship Meditation, Causes of Mental Illness, Death, How to Connect With Loved Ones that Have Died, How to Have a Healthy and Loving Relationship, Life After Death, Meditation, Mental Illness, Relationships, Repressed Emotions, What Happens After We Die?
Topics: Being in the Present, Benefits of Having a Color Stylist do your Colors, Connecting with Your Inner Child, Coping with the Death of a Loved One, Dealing with Grief, Difference Between Knowledge and Wisdom, Divine Lessons, Divine messages in the movie 'The Revenant', Dressing to Harmonize with Your True Nature, Groundedness, Guidance with a Sore Back, Honesty, Honesty is Empowering, How Children are Affected by Terror, How do Knowledge and Wisdom Affect Spiritual Growth, Hurting Yourself with Thought and Deed, Machines Taking over Jobs, Not Wanting to Work, Parenting, Re-parenting Your Innerchild, Self-Condemnation, Spiritual Growth, The Art of Self Inquiry, Vulnerability, Vulnerability and Relationships, Work-related Humblings
Topics: Art of Introspection, Dealing with Trust Issues, Ecstatic Experiences and Meditation, Emotions, Fear of Intimacy, Healing Childhood Wounds, Insects and Natural Disasters, Love and Fear, Meditation, Meditation and Bliss, Natural Disasters, Overcoming Fear, Purifying Oneself, Relationships and Trust, Trust and Family, What Can I Do About Natural Disasters
Topics: Relationships, Revealing Romantic Feelings, Workplace Romance
Topics: Art of Introspection, Bullying, Divine Grace, Friendship, Gossip, How Does Visualization Benefit us?, Making Friends as an Adult, Meditation, Negative Thoughts or Visuals, Overcoming Trauma, Pregnancy and Emotions, Processing One's Emotions Responsibly while Pregnant, Purifying Oneself, Victim Consciousness, Visualization, Why Gossip Incurs Karma
Topics: Dreams, Remembering Dreams, Understanding Dreams
Topics: Dealing with Sadness and Grief, Dealing with the Death of a Loved One, Death, Divine Mother, Fear of Death, God the Father and Son and Holy Ghost, Having a Baby, I am Pregnant and Not Sure What to do, Learning Life's Lessons, Meditation, Release Suppressed Sadness and Grief, The Art of Introspection, What is Communion with God
Topics: Accountability, Attuning to God's Will, Attuning to Your Baby, God/Guru and Self/Soul Explained, Having a Baby, How Relationships Initiate, How to Help Ones who are Bipolar, How to Hold Others Accountable, Meditation and Chanting, Processing One's Emotions Responsibly, Purging Negative Emotions, Relationships, Why People Become Bipolar
Topics: Balancing Inner Guidance and the Master's Guidance, Choosing Love in the Face of Adversity, Discerning the Ego, Drug Addiction, Making Friends as an Adult, Making God Your Best Friend, Overcoming Arrogance, Overcoming Tension around Creativity, Prejudice, Purifying Oneself, SatGuru vs Guru, Self-Reflection, Trusting Inner Guidance, Willfulness
Topics: Disciplining Children, Parenting, Parenting Teenagers
Topics: Attachments and Desires, Darshan, Developing Social Skills, Difference Between Louix's Ashrams and Others, Drug Addiction, Gun Control and Collective Consciousness, Happiness Comes From Within, Learning to Love Those Who Judge You, Manifesting Abundance, Materialism, Overcoming Resistance, Self-Judgment and Self-Condemnation, Terrorism, Understanding Resistance to Spiritual Practises, What is the Best Way to Respond to Aggression and Terrorism?, world
Topics: Being in the Present, Bullying, False Masters, Healing and Family, How Belief Systems are Built, Overcoming Fear, Overcoming Fear and Anxiety, Personal Traits when Bullied, Repressed Emotions, Suffering, Symptoms of Repressed Emotions, The Age of False Masters, Why we Create Suffering
Topics: Gratitude, How to Pray, Learning Life's Lessons, Overcoming Victim Consciousness, Power of Prayer, The Best Way to Pray
Topics: Are you the Incarnation of Shiva Louix, Choosing Love in the Face of Adversity, Discourse on Demons and Darkness, Drugs and Parenting, How Belief Systems are Built, How Important is Imagination to Having a Healthy Life, How we can Help the World, Inverted Intentions, Louix's Story of Demon, Planetary Changes, Praying, Releasing Emotions Responsibly, Why am I Behaving what Others Consider Not Normal
Topics: Benefits of Having a Teddy Bear, Connecting with Your Inner Child, Creating Abundance, Dealing with Stress and Overwhelm, Drugs, Emotional Pain, How to Pray, Law of Tithing, One's Dark Side, Overcomimg Negativity and Darkness, Parenting, Parenting a Teenager, Power of the Spoken Word, Praying, Relationships, Repression and Sexual Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Spiritual Practices, Spiritual Practices and Passion for Life, The Role of Addictions in Avoiding Pain
Topics: Age of Lies, Ashram in New Zealand, Blocked Chakras, Chakras, Coming out as Gay, Homosexulality, Inauthenticity, Lying and Deceit, Obedience, Overcoming Anxiety, Overcoming Jealousy, Processing One's Emotions Responsibly, Repressed Emotions, Self-Purification, The Benefits of Darshan, Transmuting Anger and Rage Responsibly, Unworthiness and Self-Judgment
Topics: Abuse, Benefits of Being in the Presence of a Master, Complacency, Content vs Complacent, Forgiveness and Abuse, Grace of The Master, Healing Patterns of Abuse, Meditation and Animal Abuse
Topics: Friendship, New Year's Dispensation
Topics: Achieving Enlightenment, Being a Fraud/Fake vs. Being Authentic, Emotions, Expressing Feelings to Another, Inauthenticity, Kundalini Awakening, The Benefits of Darshan
Topics: Meditation, Prayer, Prayer for Southern California Fires and other World Events, Prayer to Help Reduce People's Suffering, Violet Transmuting Flame Meditation
Topics: Alignment with God’s Will, Attuning to God's Will, Clear Clutter, Focus on God, How to Align Yourself to God's Will, New Year's Dispensation, Year of Focus
Topics: Becoming More Surrendered, How Relationships Initiate, How Tragedies help Unify People, Illusion of Free Will, Karmic Sweeping, Overcoming Projection in Relationships, Separation from God, The Nature of Addictions, Unity, Walking in Mastery, Why we Create Suffering
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