Topics: Guided Meditation, Meditation, The Celestial Cavern Meditation
Topics: Abstaining from Relationships, Attachment to Having a Relationship, Blame Towards God, Depression in Teenagers, Drugs, Drugs and Spirituality, Healing and Relationships, Healing Ourselves in Any Given Moment, History of American Slaves, How Can Meditation Change The World, Meditation, Parenting, Parenting and Electric Devices, Purifying Oneself, Righteous vs Self-Righteous, Self-Righteousness, Self-Sabotage
Topics: Attachments and Desires, Co-sleeping and Babies, Discipline and Spiritual Practices, Guided Meditation, Meaning of Being a Disciple, Meditation, Merging with Bliss Meditation, Parenting, The Nature of Desire
Topics: Creating More Beauty In Our Lives, Inner Beauty, New Year's Dispensation, Outer Beauty, Year of Beauty
Topics: Attachments and Desires, Attachments vs Pursuing Dreams, Creating Divine Protection, Feeling Not Good Enough, Fulfilling Your Dharma, Fulfillment, How Are Women And Men's Brains Different?, How Do I Become a Disciple?, How To Handle Our Lives When We Haven't Fulfilled Our Dreams?, How to Let Go of Attachments, Laziness, Meaning of Being a Disciple, Overcoming Complacency, Past Lives, Protecting Yourself Against Other People's Issues, Self-Love and Self-Worth, The Past Present and Future, Women vs Men's Brains
Topics: Integrity with Spiritual Abilities, Morality of Teachers, Spiritual Powers, Using Spiritual Gifts
Topics: Destiny vs. Choice, Do we Chose Who We Love?, Fulfilling Your Dharma, Is Everyone a Healer?, Overcoming Resistance, Parenting, Parenting a Teenager, Teens and Media, The Gifts of Unrequited Love, What is Grace?, Work and Spiritual Growth, Work and Spirituality
Topics: Achieving Enlightenment, Cosmetic Surgery and Being Authentic, Enlightenment, Evolution of Consciousness, Fear vs Love, Financial Troubles, Purifying Oneself, Repressed Emotions, Resistance to Love, Spiritual Practice and Healers, Spiritual Practices, Transmuting Emotions, Transmuting Karma
Topics: Connecting with God, Creating Abundance, Creating Balance in Your Life, Depression, Follow Your Heart, Guru/Disciple Relationship, How Do I Know the Highest Truth?, Relationships, Self-Love and Self-Worth, Starting a New Love Relationship, Trusting Inner Guidance, Why you Draw Spiritual Masters in to Your Life
Topics: Causes of Mental Illness, Children and Food, Encouraging Children to Eat Healthy Foods, Fear of American Government's Collapse, Grace and Spiritual Progress, Guilt and Family, I AM Presence, Love and Fear, Mental Illness, Overcoming Neediness, Politics, Relationships and Neediness, Why Are People Afraid of Love?
Topics: Divine Perspective on Politics, Politics and Judgement, The Power of One
Topics: Achieving Enlightenment, Church and Salvation, Creating Cohesion in Relationships, Fear vs Love, Guru and Enlightenment, Masters See Our Full Divinity, Mental Illness, Relationships, Relationships and Conflicts, Relationships and Family, Sin and Evil, Spiritual Awakening, Spirituality and Wealth, What does Louix See When He Looks in to Our Eyes
Topics: Darshan from Louix's Viewpoint, Effects of Shakti, Shakti, Shakti and Louix, Shaktipat
Topics: Cause of Suffering, Children and Abuse, Christianity and Faith, Faith, Forgiveness and Sexual Abuse, Karma, Refusing Gifts From God, Sexual Abuse, Strengthening Faith
Topics: Can Disciples Pass On Louix's Grace?, Grace and Spiritual Progress, Guided Meditation, Helping Others on Our Spiritual Path, How to Deal with Shared Finances, How To Introduce New Baby to First Child, Meditation, Parenting, Prenuptial Agreements, Relationships and Shared Finances, Sibling Rivalry, Spiritual Energy and Vibration, Sun Chakra Cleanse Meditation
Topics: Benefits of Meditation, Communing with Angels and Masters, Darshan, Depression, Ego, Ego and Enlightenment, Enlightenment, Guru/Disciple Relationship, Meditation, Meditation Techniques, Religion and Gurus, Spiritual Practices for Purification, Supporting Someone With Depression, Why Does Louix's Body Jolt When He Gives Darshan?
Topics: Everything is Forgivable and Redeemable, Forgiveness, Letting Go of Guilt, Overcoming Guilt
Topics: Guided Meditation, Meditation, Sahara Sun Meditation
Topics: Are we Born with God's Grace?, Ashram vs Church, Can Disciples Pass On Louix's Grace?, Church Being The Body of Christ, Compassion, Compassion vs Pity, Difference Between Louix's Ashrams and Others, Differences Between Spiritual Masters, Divine Grace, Do Masters Speak Through Channels?, Emotional Healing and Diet, Forgiveness and Abuse, Forgiving Those Who Have Passed On, God's Grace, How Do Masters Communicate with us?, Is There Mortal Sin?, Using Food to Suppress Emotions, Vegan Diet, What is Grace?, Why you Draw Spiritual Masters in to Your Life
Topics: Benefits of Having a Guru, Benefits of Having a Spiritual Teacher, Differences Between Spiritual Masters, Spiritual Teacher vs Spiritual Master
Topics: Astral Traveling vs Dream Traveling, Does Purgatory Exist?, Financial Troubles, Finding a Job, Guided Meditation, Lucid Dreaming, What Happens During Sleep, Whole-being Waterfall Cleanse
Topics: Darshan, One-day Retreat, Q&A
Topics: Healing Patterns of Abuse, How to Forgive Betrayal, Louix's Spiritual Training, Overcoming Projection in Relationships, Relationship with my Mother, Silent Meditation, Silent Transmission
Topics: Baby, Baby and Eczema, Baby Health, Dealing with Guilt and Shame, Parenting, Pranic Breathing, Sexuality, Shame Around Sexuality, Silent Meditation, Silent Transmission
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