Topics: AIDS, Effects of Alcohol, Feeling and Detachment, Feeling is Healing, Forgiveness, Is Earth Optimally Populated?, Is There an Increase in Sexual Crimes?, Sacred Sites, Sustainability, What is Enlightenment?
Topics: Conceiving a Child, Death, Drug Use as a Spiritual Practice, Mobile Phone Health Risks, Overcoming what Others Think, Reverse Skin Damage, Self-Love, Subconscious and Higher Conscious Mind, UFO's and Other Worldy Beings
Topics: Autism in a Child, Financial Abundance, Masturbation, Natural Disasters, One's Dark Side, Urine Therapy
Topics: Pain and Resisting God, Tibetan Spiritual Practices
Topics: Addiction to Pornography, Death, Fear of Death, Menopause, Pains in the Body, Pornography, Reversing the Aging Process, Serving God vs Attaining Enlightenment
Topics: Alternative to Antibiotics, Benefits of the Ocean, Chronic Fatigue, Communing with Angels and Masters, Creating Discipline, Finding Your Guru, Invasive Procedures During Pregnancy, Obama
Topics: Attaining Happiness, Experience the Bliss-filled World of God, The Everlasting Covenant, Year of Adoration
Topics: Devotion, The Divine Romance, The Everlasting Covenant, Year of Adoration, Yearly Benediction
Topics: ADHT and Medication, Finding Time, Premature Grey Hair, Preparing for Death, Reincarnation, Suicide, Superfoods
Topics: Chanting Oms, Devotional Singing, Divine Love, Guided Meditation, Meditation, Pranam, The Divine Romance, The Everlasting Covenant
Topics: Atheism, Blaming God, Helping Others with Dark Forces, IVF, Overeating, Vitamin B12 Injections, Why do Domestic Pets Exist
Topics: Depression, Getting Insects to Move On, Sexuality Before Marriage, War
Topics: Arrogance in Fixing Others, Group Dynamics and Healing, Meditation and the Breath, Purifying Past Drug Use, Victim Consciousness
Topics: Attaining Happiness, Inner Peace, Moldavite, Spiritual Growth, The Year of Acceleration, Yearly Benediction
Topics: Alzheimer's, Capital Punishment, Empathy and Detachment, Fear of Giving Birth, Heaven and Hell, Sins and Forgiveness, Someone for Everyone, Successful Life
Topics: Bisexuality, Homophobia, Homosexual, Judgments, Lesbian, Repression and Sexuality, Self-Love
Topics: Conceiving a Child and IVF, Disciplining a Teenager, Lights in the Sky, Meditation, Music for Spiritual Practice, Transmuting Anger in a Child
Topics: Child Abuse, Colors and Chemicals in Food, Curing Cancer, Meat and Protien Deficiency, Relationship with a Fetus, Tithing, Using Indian Terms and Ceremonies
Topics: Cancer, Children and Toy Weapons, Circumcision, Mobile Phone Health Risks, Past Lives, Tibet and the Dalai Lama's Exile
Topics: Children and Computer Games, Contraceptives, Daily Intake of Water, Education for Children, India as a Highly Spiritual Country yet so Full of Poverty, Intimacy in a Relationship, Surrender to God
Topics: Restoring Your Divinity Meditation
Topics: Abortion, Finding God Within, Life Without God is Meaningless, Twin Flames, Why is there Separation?
Topics: Best Time of Day to Meditate, Creating Divine Protection, Making Up for Being Unfaithful, Recommendations for Drinking Water
Topics: Avatar, Best Drinking Water, Children and a Vegan or Raw Diet, Danger of Bleached Foods, Destiny vs. Choice, Lottery Tickets, Louix's Two Names, Random Occurrences, Thoughts and Emotions Affects on our Bodies
Topics: Difference Between Louix's Ashrams and Others, Hip Pain, Meditation Recommendations, Overcoming Fear, Teen Sexulaity, Traditional Birth
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