Topics: Being Ready to Parent a Child, Bullying, Healing Childhood Wounds, Healing Patterns of Abuse, Self-acceptance, Self-Judgment and Self-Condemnation, Tantra as a Spiritual Practice, The Origins of Unworthiness, The Year of Unity, Vaccinations and Children
Topics: Darshan, One-day Retreat, Q&A
Topics: Crying Baby, Law of Tithing, Newborn Crying, Relating to Babies, Relating to Children, Technology and Children, Tithing, TV Time for Children
Topics: Dreams, Ending Romantic Relationship, Eras of Humanity, Financial Troubles, Finding Closure in Relationships, Men vs Women in Relationships, Nanny and Children, Not Wanting to Work, Parenting, Relationship and Children, Supressed Emotions' Impact on Dreams, Unity and Humanity, Work-related Humblings
Topics: Children and Social Development, Education for Children, Life Lessons, Overeating, Places on Earth with Highest Spiritual Vibration, Relationship and Children, Self-Sabotage, Spiritual Growth
Topics: God Takes Away Suffering, Karmic Sweeping, Why Masters experience suffering
Topics: Chakras, Direct Reflection, Integrating Light, Karma, Relationships, SatGuru, SatGuru vs Guru, Transmuting Karma, Transmuting Karma for Parents
Topics: Meditation, One-day Retreat, Q&A
Topics: Bliss, Burial vs Cremation, Burning Candles to Create Sacred Space, Child Needing Constant Attention, Food Allergies, How to Live in a Constant Meditative State, How to Overcome Ego Distractions, Meditation, Meditation Recommendations, Overcoming Seperation from God, Parenting, Physical Ailments, The Effects of Pictures of Masters in your Home, Time and Meditation, Vaccinations and Law
Topics: Depression, Family and The Spiritual Path, Feeling Hopeless and Depressed, Grace of The Master, Guidance on Career, How to Let Go of Agendas, How to Overcome Shyness, Meditation and Resistance, Need for a Guru, Owning our own Shadow Side, Power of Meditation, Re-parenting Your Ego, Relationships and Family, Reprogramming the Ego, The Roots of Depression, Zoning Out while Meditating
Topics: Abortion, Attaining Happiness, Becoming More Creative, Creativity and Music, Emotions, Grace of The Master, Mastering the Critical Mind, Polarity, Practicing Louix's Teachings, Processing One's Emotions Responsibly, Self-Criticism, Self-Indulgence in One's Emotions, Vision Quests, Why do Polarity and Dualism Exist?
Topics: Discourse on Gurus, Fear of The Guru, Finding Your Guru, Leaving a Guru
Topics: Attaining Mastery, Becoming More Surrendered, Difference Between Needs and Wants, Examining Motives, Follow Your Heart, Gratitude, Introspection, Surrender, Surrender the Need to Know, Unconditional Love
Topics: Cause and Effect, Gratefulness, Gratitude, Gratitude is the Highest Form of Prayer, Prayer, Self- Mastery, Walking in Mastery
Topics: Attaining Happiness, Become Greater Love, Focus on God, Happiness is a Choice, Relationship with Self, Self-Purification, Sense Gratification
Topics: Choosing Love in the Face of Adversity, Everything is a Choice, Experience the Bliss-filled World of God, Keeping Your Heart Open, Open Heart
Topics: Feeling Separate From God, Numbing the Senses, Reprogramming the Ego, Structure of the Ego, Working with the Ego
Topics: Enlightenment Definition, Living as God, Mysteries of Enlightenment Revealed, Self-realization, The Age of Enlightenment, The Path of God, What is Enlightenment?
Topics: Fulfillment, Happiness, Joy, Meditation, Sense Gratification, Surrender, Surrender to the Divine, Vacation, What Does Louix's Average Day Look Like
Topics: Child Abuse, Compassion, Forgiveness, Healing Childhood Wounds, Justice, Supplication to God, Transmuting Anger
Topics: Ametrine Chakra Cleansing Meditation, Celibacy, Children and Social Development, Developing Self-Love to Heal Codependency, Overcoming Co-dependency, Overcoming Seeking Approval from Others, Parenting, Refraining from Sex or Masturbation, Relationship on Spiritual Path, Relationships, Sex Drive, Sexual Libido
Topics: Authenticity is About Intention, Becoming More Authentic, Journey to The Center of The Earth Meditation, Meditation, Meditation Techniques
Topics: Evolution of Consciousness, Life Lessons, Soul Initiation, Spiritual Growth, Suppression
Topics: Accountability, Art of Introspection, Benefits of The New Year's Eve Retreat, Compassion, Compassion vs Pity, Complacency, Finding Your Guru, Golden Age, Is it Possible for The Human Race to Live in Peace and Harmony?, Nothing Outside of Self Exists, Overcoming Projection in Relationships, Past Lives, Physical Ailments, Reincarnation, Self-Purification, Selfishness, Vanity, Why Counseling is Helpful, Why We Create Physical Illness, Why We Need Light and Dark Experiences
Topics: Attaining Mastery, Importance of Obedience, Selflessness
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