Topics: Laughter, Meditation and Bliss, Toning
Topics: Abuse, Atheism, Atheist, Can an Atheist Lead a Virtuous and Noble Life?, Darshan, Do I Still Need to Meditate and Do Spiritual Practices if I Have a Guru?, Healing Patterns of Abuse, Spiritual Practices, The Art of Self Inquiry, The Benefits of Darshan, What is Darshan
Topics: Healing One's Control Issues, Letting Go of Control, Techniques to Identify and Break Down Patterns of Control
Topics: Abuse, Benefits of Hugging the “Right” Way, Forgiveness, Forgiving Sexual Abuse, Separation, Sexual Abuse, Unconditional Love, What is Divine Romance Day?, What is the Best Way to Respond to Aggression and Terrorism?
Topics: Accountability, Discourse on Demons and Darkness, Everything Happens for a Reason, Frauds, Guilt and Regreat are Wasted Emotions, Have you Ever Said Something you Regret?, Nothing Outside of Self Exists, Saints, Why are Some Masters and Saints Scandalized? Masters
Topics: Developing Devotion, Distant Healing, Overcoming Creative Blocks, Power of Prayer, Power of Prayer and Distant Healing, Prayer, Shamanic Healings and Spiritual Growth, Vegan Diet, What is the Best Diet for Humans?, Why Do We Desire Things That Bring us Harm
Topics: God's Will, Obedience, Surrender, The Year of Growth and Expansion, Yearly Benediction
Topics: Desires, Detachment, Feeling is Healing, Letting go of Desires, Opening the Emotional Body, Oppression, Surrender, Why is it Difficult for Some People to Cry?
Topics: Everything is Forgivable and Redeemable, Karma, Murder and Forgiveness, Non-Loving Behaviour, Sins and Forgiveness
Topics: Benefits of Chanting and Mantras, Discourse on Eliminating Stress, Entities, How Can I Find More Peace?, How Raising our Vibration Effects Our Experiences, Meditation and Chanting, Nothing Outside of Self Exists, Our Electronic Make up, Separation from Source, Transitioning a Child from Home to School, Ways to Eliminate Stress and Create more Peace, What is Grace?, Why do Polarity and Dualism Exist?
Topics: Cult, Invocation of The Christ and The Everlasting Covenant, Mastering the Critical Mind, Mastering the Laws of Cause and Effect, Practising Unconditional Love is The Best Way to Help Others, Self-Condemnation, Unconditional Love, Understanding Resistance to Spiritual Practises, What is a Cult?
Topics: Be True to Yourself, Desire, Finding the Missing Piece, Guilt is a Wasted Emotion, Life's Purpose, Peace, Religious Tolerance, Separation from God, The Benefits of Becoming Desireless, The Way to Resolve a Moral Dilemma, Veganism
Topics: Darshan, One-day Retreat, Q&A
Topics: Accountability, Attaining Happiness, Gratitude, Happiness is a Choice, Nothing Outside of Self Exists, The Art of Introspection, Victim Consciousness
Topics: Homophobia, I Need Help Finding a Job, Louix's Experiences as a Child, Politics, Spirituality and the Collective
Topics: Addictions, Becoming More Authentic, Becoming More Surrendered, Being a Fraud/Fake vs. Being Authentic, Detachment, Intention is Important for Manifestation, Obedience, Parenting, Supporting Loved Ones with Drug Addiction, Surrender, The Key to Helping a Small Child Become Less Dependent, Unconditional Love, Why do I feel Fake?
Topics: Cults, Dealing with Sadness and Grief, Dealing with the Death of a Loved One, Death, Feeling is Healing, How to Have a Healthy and Loving Relationship, Relationships, Release Suppressed Sadness and Grief, Why do some people think all Gurus and Ashrams are Cults?
Topics: How to Be More Attuned to The Divine, How to Let Go of Agendas, How to Let Go of Attachments, How to Let Go of Ego
Topics: Benefits of Fasting, Discipline and Spiritual Practices, Fasting, Louix's Experiences with Fasting, The Importance of Fasting
Topics: How to Become Less Controlling, Overcoming Fear and Anxiety, What Does "Everything is Forgiveable" Mean?
Topics: Empowering vs. Overpowering (Parenting), Healing Obsession and Detachment, The Difference between Resistance and Defiance, Transitioning From the Empty Nest
Topics: Integrating and Accepting Menopause, Overcoming Fear of Pregnancy, The Gifts of Unrequited Love, The Role of Addictions in Avoiding Pain, Understanding Out of Body Experiences, Understanding the Messages that Animals Deliver
Topics: Balancing Inner Guidance and the Master's Guidance, Family Dynamics in Caring For Elderly Parents, How Avoiding Pain Creates Pain
Topics: Does Saving for a Rainy Day Show a Lack of Faith?, Transcending Fears of Money Scarcity
Topics: Dispelling the Myths about Miscarriages, Miscarriages, The Truth about Miscarriages
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