Topics: Guidance on Career, Manifesting Abundance, Relationships, Self-Sabotage
Topics: Attaining Happiness, Detachment, Happiness Comes From Within, Inner Peace, Materialism
Topics: Connecting with Your Inner Child, Creating More Intimacy, Finding Direction in Your Life, Homophobia, Integration, Overcoming Fear, Overcoming Resistance, Purpose of Living, Self-acceptance
Topics: Darshan, One-day Retreat, Q&A
Topics: Accountability, Coping with the Death of a Loved One, Difficulty in Sleeping, Healing Ourselves in Any Given Moment, Insomnia, Opening Your Heart, Parenting, Relationships, Relationships and Heart Ache, Trust and Overcoming Fear
Topics: Meditation, Meditation Recommendations, Purpose and Meaning of Meditation
Topics: Angelic Retreat Meditation, Breaking the Ego, Ego, How to Let Go of Ego, Integrating Light, Meditation, The Effects of Taking in Light
Topics: Guided Meditation, One-day Retreat, Q&A
Topics: Divine, Illness and Cleansing, Obedience, Receiving Abundance, Sacred Wound, Social Media, Starting a New Job, Technology, Work-related Humblings
Topics: Attuning to God's Will, Louix's Message To The World, Louix's Mission
Topics: Become Greater Love, Choosing Love in the Face of Adversity, God Adores All of Us, Overcoming Complacency, Self-Condemnation, Self-Love, Unconditional Love, We Are All One, We are Love
Topics: Attaining Enlightenment, Discourse on Gurus, God-Realization, Guru, Guru/Disciple Relationship
Topics: Avoiding Self-Condemnation, Begin to Weave and God Will Give You The Thread, Cleansing Breath Meditation, Clothing and Spirituality, Communicating with Ascended Masters, Communing with Ascended Masters, Self-Judgment and Self-Condemnation, Vaccinations and Children, Vaccinations and Law, Year of Magic and Wonder
Topics: Parenting, Parenting a Teenager
Topics: Ashram is a Massive Crystal Generator, Benefits of Living in Community, Daily Life as a Master, Does the Expansion of Love within You End?, Keeping Your Heart Open, Legumes and Digestive Issues, Recomendations for Drinking Water, Spiritual Community, What Does Louix's Average Day Look Like
Topics: Hopelessness, Overcoming Self-condemnation, The Art of Introspection
Topics: Astrology and Spiritual Awakening, Catching Illness from Others, How to Change One's Belief Systems, How to Get Through Life's Challenges, Illness and Cleansing, Initiations Louix Faced During His Training, Loving Unconditionally, Overcoming Resistance, Pets, Quieting Your Mind, Resistance to Love, Self-Sabotage, Unconditional Love, Why do Domestic Pets Exist
Topics: How to Bring more God into Work, Humility, Louix's Work-related Lessons During His Training, Work-related Humblings
Topics: Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides, How to Communicate with Animals and Plants, Masters and Painful Initiations, Overcoming Fear, Parenting a Teenager, Planetary Changes, Predictions, Small Insects, Spiritual Growth, Why some Masters and Saints are scandalized?
Topics: Differences Before and After Enlightenment, Handling Uncertainty, Jealousy, Louix's Enlightenment, Overcoming Feelings of Giving up, Overcoming Jealousy, Overcoming Resistance, Resistance to Love, Spiritual Community
Topics: Homophobia, Power of Prayer, Power of Prayer and Distant Healing, Prayer, Prayer for Orlando Shooting Victims
Topics: Communicating about Spiritual Masters to Christians, Create Your Own Reality, Enlightenment, Fastest Path to Enlightenment, How to Let Go of Agendas
Topics: Equality in Relationships, Learning Life's Lessons, Relationships, Relationships and Family
Topics: Alignment with God’s Will, Finding Closure in Relationships, Guilt and Family, Homophobia, Inner Listening, Integrating Light, Karma, Overcoming Self-condemnation, Relationships, Self-Judgment and Self-Condemnation, Self-Love
Topics: Does Shaving Hair Off Your Body Affect Your Spirituality?, Louix most Amazing Mystical Experience, Louix's Acupuncture Story, Obedience, Overcoming Resistance, Self-Sabotage
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