Topics: Hopelessness, How to Get Through Life's Challenges, Overcoming Feelings of Giving up
Topics: Creating Abundance without Overworking, Financial Abundance, Healing One's Control Issues, Peaceful Lagoon Meditation, Transcending Fears of Money Scarcity
Topics: Act of Supplication to God, Gratitude, How to Live in a Constant Meditative State
Topics: Attachment to Having a Relationship, Dealing with Grief, Death, Meditation and Bliss, Relationship on Spiritual Path, Relationships, Yogis Stop Breathing
Topics: Finding Time, Keeping Your Faith, Men and Affairs, Relationship with my Mother, Relationships, Spiritual Practices
Topics: Dealing with Anger, Finding a Job, Relationship with my Mother, Relationships and Trust, Spiritual Practices, Unemployment
Topics: 4 Lower Bodies Meditation, Cleansing Breathing Technique, Meditation, Purification
Topics: Benefits of Fasting, Fasting, Successful Fasting, Ultimate Physical and Spiritual Cleansing
Topics: Benefits of Fasting, Cult, Fasting, How to Overcome Shyness, Spiritual Community, The Reward for Being Good
Topics: Dharma, Life's Purpose, Self-Purification, Surrender, The Nature of Dharma
Topics: Extraterrestrials, UFO's and Other Worldy Beings
Topics: Dealing with Anger and Hatred, Dealing with Grief, Forgiveness, Forgiveness and Sexual Abuse, Forgiving Sexual Abuse, Self-Forgiveness
Topics: Alignment with God’s Will, Developing Self-Love to Heal Codependency, Ego, God's Will, Guru, Judgments, Relationships, Responding to those who think my Guru is a fake, Romantic relationships and Spiritual Growth, Self-Love, Spiritual Practices, What is the Best Way to Handle People who Force Their Opinions on you?
Topics: Guided Meditation, Healing One's Control Issues
Topics: Granite Meditation, Guided Meditation, Self-Criticism, Self-Sabotage
Topics: Choosing Love in the Face of Adversity, Mother Earth, Relationships, Supporting a Partner with Depression, The Gift of Having Difficult In-Laws, What Can I Do About Natural Disasters, Why Are All These Natural Disasters Happening
Topics: Attachments and Desires, Attaining Happiness, Leading a Normal Life while Practicing Louix's Teachings, Overcoming Desires and Worldly Pleasure, Surrender
Topics: Cancer, Effect of Alcohol on Spiritual Practices, Lethargy in the Morning, Lung Cancer, Meditation, Meditation in the Morning, Obligations, Overcoming Awkwardness around Receiving Affection
Topics: Attuning to God's Will, Attuning to the Divine, Dealing With Overwhelm, Does it Serve God More to be Single, or in a Relationship?, Meditation, Relationships, Separation from God, Surrender, Why is There so Much Suffering and Injustice in this World? Laws of Karma
Topics: Intention is Important for Manifestation, Power of Thought
Topics: Guided Meditation, One-day Retreat, Q&A
Topics: Can One be Humble without Being a Doormat?, Divinity, God-Realization, Humility, Non-Loving Behaviour, Selflessness, Unconditional Love, Why Did God Create Animals That Kill Each Other, Why Did God Embark on Creation at All?
Topics: Creating Boundaries for Teenagers, Parenting a Teenager
Topics: How to Find Groundedness in Meditation, How to Teach a Child to Stand up for Themselves, Unfair Employer
Topics: Louix's Enlightenment, Nothing Outside of Self Exists
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