Topics: Chakra Cleansing, Divine Love, Guided Meditation, Meditation
Topics: Authenticity is About Intention, Becoming More Authentic, Being a Fraud/Fake vs. Being Authentic
Topics: Alcoholism, Attaining Balance, Attuning to God's Will, Balancing Seva and Service, God's Will, Obedience, Scandals Public Figures Have to Endure, Supporting Loved Ones with Drug Addiction, Why some Masters and Saints are scandalized?
Topics: Alignment with Your Soul, Attuning to God's Will, Does the State and Age of the Body Dictate Self-Realization?, Emotions, Environmental Issues, How to Help Save the Planet, How to Let Go of Ego, Processing One's Emotions Responsibly, Self-Indulgence in One's Emotions
Topics: Power of Prayer and Distant Healing, The Power of Praying, Why we Create Suffering
Topics: Enlightenment, Louix's Death Experience, Louix's Spiritual Training, Louix's UFO and ET Experiences, UFO's and Other Worldy Beings
Topics: Relationship with Self, The Divine Romance, The Everlasting Covenant, What is Divine Romance Day?
Topics: Elementals, Initiations Louix Faced During His Training, Louix's Experience with Elementals, Louix's Spiritual Training, Louix's UFO and ET Experiences, UFO's and Other Worldy Beings, Why We Need Light and Dark Experiences
Topics: How to Let Go of Ego, Humility, Initiations Louix Faced During His Training, Letting Go of Attachments, Letting go of Desires, Louix's Spiritual Awakening, Louix's Spiritual Training
Topics: Abode of Peace Meditation
Topics: Ending Romantic Relationship, Everything Is Connected, Feeling Hopeless and Depressed, How to Change One's Belief Systems, New Age, Relationships, Spiritual Growth, We Are All One
Topics: Benefits of Hugging the “Right” Way, Creating More Intimacy, Hugging The Right Way, Opening Your Heart, Separation from God
Topics: Year of Magic and Wonder, Yearly Benediction
Topics: Developing Divine Communion, Difference Between Needs and Wants, Surrender, Technology
Topics: A Prayer to End Terrorism, Power of Prayer and Distant Healing, Terrorism
Topics: Benefits of Having a Spiritual Teacher, Ego, Overcoming Projection in Relationships, Relationships and Conflicts, Relationships and Family, Willfulness
Topics: Balance in Life, Compassion, Dealing with Hatred and Fear, Dealing with Negativity, Difficulty in Sleeping, Guidance on Career, How to Let Go of Attachments, Nothing Outside of Self Exists, Quieting Your Mind, War
Topics: Attuning to God's Will, Dharma, Surrender
Topics: Benefits of Pranic Breathing, Pranic Breathing
Topics: Darshan, One-day Retreat, Q&A
Topics: How to Let Go of Ego, Meditation and Karma, Overcoming Projection, Overcoming Victim Consciousness, Self-Forgiveness, Self-Love and Self-Worth, Why we Create Suffering, Why we Have Physical Bodies
Topics: Hopelessness, How to Get Through Life's Challenges, Overcoming Feelings of Giving up
Topics: Creating Abundance without Overworking, Financial Abundance, Healing One's Control Issues, Peaceful Lagoon Meditation, Transcending Fears of Money Scarcity
Topics: Act of Supplication to God, Gratitude, How to Live in a Constant Meditative State
Topics: Attachment to Having a Relationship, Dealing with Grief, Death, Meditation and Bliss, Relationship on Spiritual Path, Relationships, Yogis Stop Breathing
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