Topics: Darshan, One-day Retreat, Q&A
Topics: Cancer, Curing Cancer, Dharma, Healing Cancer, How Belief Systems are Built, Life Lessons, Physical Ailments
Topics: Enlightenment, God-Realization, New Year's Eve Retreat, Oneness with God, Power of Mantra
Topics: Becoming more Youthful, Connecting with Your Inner Child, Forgetfulness, Honesty, Identifying the Ego, Lying and Deceit, Re-parenting Your Innerchild, Releasing Emotions Responsibly, Repressed Emotions, Structure of the Ego, Symptoms of Repressed Emotions, Why People Lie
Topics: Accountability, Overcomimg Self-Judgment and Complacency, Overcoming Self-condemnation
Topics: Astral Traveling vs Dream Traveling, Connecting with Your Inner Child, Exhaustion and Repressed Emotions, Gayatri Mantra, Happiness, Oppression, Power of Prayer, Re-parenting Your Innerchild, Responsibility, Sanskrit, The Lord's Prayer
Topics: Fair Fighting, How to Resolve Disagreements, Relationship Help, Relationships, Relationships and Conflicts
Topics: A World United Meditation, Guided Meditation, Meditation, Meditation and Prayers, Planetary Changes, Positive Change, Prayer for Peace
Topics: Dealing with Resignation, Hopelessness, Overcoming the Feeling of Giving up
Topics: Cleanliness and Godliness, Forest of Fruits, Global Clean-up Project, Grace in Action, Gratefulness, Hundredth Monkey Principal, Living in Grace, Picking up Trash
Topics: Affects of GMO, Benefits of Pranic Breathing, Communing with Ascended Masters, Daily Practice, Discipline and Spiritual Practices, Garden of Eden Meditation, GMO foods, Meditation, Overcoming Resistance, Pranic Breathing, Release Suppressed Sadness and Grief, Role of Ascended Masters, Self-Sabotage, Unhappiness, Why we Create Suffering
Topics: Enlightenment, Homosexuality, Non-Judgment, Religion, Same Sex Marriage, Self-Purification, Tolerance, Unconditional Love
Topics: Cosmic Conciousness, Darshan, God-Realization, Hunger for God, Reactions to Darshan, Self-Purification, Shaktipat, The Benefits of Darshan
Topics: Forgiveness, Forgiveness and Family, Gratitude, Letting Go of Anger, Overcoming Judgment
Topics: Benefits of Living in Community, Favortism and the Effects on Children, Living from Your Heart Not the Head, Migraines, Role of Ascended Masters, Spiritual Community, Thawing of Emotional Body, What happens when you Die
Topics: Charlatans, Empowering vs. Overpowering (Parenting), False Gurus, Judgment of Others, Overcoming Arrogance, Parenting, Relationships and Family, Self- Realization and Obstacles, Surrendering Your Life
Topics: Discourse on The Year of Unity, Principles of Unity, The Year of Unity, The Year of Unity Meditation, Yearly Benediction
Topics: Creating More Intimacy, Cult, Cults, Emotions, Fallen Masters, False Gurus, Fear of Intimacy, Overcoming Fear, Releasing Childhood Emotions, Survival Skills, Vulnerability, Warts on Feet
Topics: Discourse on The Year of Unity, Discrimination, Judgment, Judgment of Others, Judgments, New Year's Dispensation, New Year's Eve Retreat, Oneness, Polarity, Positive Change, Prejudice, Principles of Unity, The Year of Unity, Transformation
Topics: An Experience of Your Divine Self Meditation, Divine, Divine-Self, Experience the Bliss-filled World of God, Guided Meditation, Meditation, Sacred Tools and Techniques
Topics: Acting in Love, Breaking the Ego, Direct Reflection, Discerning the Ego, Discernment, Ego, Nothing Outside of Self Exists, Self-Purification, Speaking to Children
Topics: Accepting Being Gay, Attachments and Desires, Happiness Comes From Within, Homophobia, How to Bring more God into Work, Judgment of Others, Judgments, Letting go of Desires, Louix's Partnering Program, Self-acceptance, Self-Love, The Nature of Desire, Vision Quests, why we create certain events or circumstances
Topics: Meditation, Power of Meditation, Sacred Tools and Techniques
Topics: Darshan, Fears that keep one from God, Guru/Disciple Relationship, Infusions of Light, Kundalini Awakening, Masts, Reactions to Darshan
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