Topics: Connecting with Your Inner Child, Healing Childhood Wounds, Inner Peace, Overcoming Anxiety, Overcoming Fear and Anxiety, Pranic Breathing, quieting the mind, Self-Sabotage
Topics: Flowers, grace
Topics: Accountability, Detachment, Feeling is Healing, Healing Childhood Wounds, Inner Peace, Mastering the Critical Mind, Parental Criticism, Self-Criticism, Spiritual Practices, The Art of Self Inquiry
Topics: Accountability, Attachments and Desires, Attaining Happiness, Nothing Outside of Self Exists, Obedience, Surrender
Topics: Duality, grids and protections, Spiritual Practices, the importance of protections
Topics: Gratitude, Guided Meditation, Meditation, quieting the mind, Spiritual Growth, Spiritual Practices
Topics: Attaining Enlightenment, Devotion, Faith, God-Realization, Grace of The Master, Importance of Obedience, Louix's Enlightenment, Self- Mastery, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Journey
Topics: Divine guidance, dreaming, healing, healing subconscious, The Art of Self Inquiry
Topics: Forgiveness, Healing Childhood Wounds, healing skin problems, natural remedies, Purifying Oneself, Self-Forgiveness, Self-Love and Self-Worth, The Art of Self Inquiry
Topics: Attuning to God's Will, Follow Your Heart, Fulfilling Your Dharma, Living from Your Heart Not the Head, Overcoming Fear, trust and faith, Trusting Inner Guidance
Topics: Attaining Happiness, Attaining Mastery, Attuning to God's Will, Follow Your Heart, Inner Peace, trust and faith
Topics: Connection to the Divine, Divine Breath, Overcoming Fear and Anxiety, Overcoming Seperation from God, Sacred Breath, Sacred Tools for Growth and Transformation
Topics: Detachment, Enlightenment, Not caring, Self-Purification, Small Story, Victim Consciousness
Topics: Addictions, All of You is God, Are Goals Important?, Comparing to Others, Dating and Children, Ego, How To Handle Our Lives When We Haven't Fulfilled Our Dreams?, Overcoming Addictions, Overcoming Anxiety, Parenting and Relationships, Sex and Neediness, Sex and Relationships, Unworthiness and Self-Judgment, What is Communion with God, Working with the Ego
Topics: Astral Realm and Healing, Benefits of The New Year's Eve Retreat, Celibacy, Earth’s Rainbow Chakra Cleanse Meditation, Guided Meditation, Massage and Healing, New Year's Eve Retreat, Past Life and Therapy, Past Lives, Supressed Emotions' Impact on Dreams, Understanding Dreams
Topics: Meditation, The Year of Beauty
Topics: Celebrate Diversity, End of Prejudice, Ending Racism, Equality, Guided Meditation, Healing Prejudice, Oneness, Prejudice, Racial Equality, Unity, world peace
Topics: Crying and Healing, Difficulty in Creating Success, DNA and Spiritual Evolution, Do You Need a Guru?, Healing Childhood Wounds, Introverts, Mastering the Critical Mind, Not Feeling Good Enough, Passion For Life, Self-Esteem, Self-Love and Self-Worth, Spiritual Practices and Passion for Life, Successful Life
Topics: Autobiography of a Yogi, Avatars and Masters, Best Practices to Develop Intuition, Evolution of Consciousness, Finding Your Guru, Follow Your Heart, God-Realization, God-Realization and Spiritual Powers, Guru, Gurus, Leaving a Guru, Signs of Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Awakening
Topics: corona virus, coronavirus, coronavirus explained, coronavirus news, coronavirus symptoms, COVID-19, COVID19, epidemic, global health, health threat, pandemic
Topics: cornonavirus outbreak, corona virus, coronavirus, coronavirus explained, coronavirus news, coronavirus symptoms, COVID-19, COVID19, epidemic, global crisis, global health, health threat, pandemic
Topics: Benefits of Having a Guru, Depression, Discourse on Gurus, Effects of Ultrasoounds, Ego, Ego and Enlightenment, Family and The Spiritual Path, Guru Absolving Pain, Guru/Disciple Relationship, Overcomimg Negativity and Darkness, Overcoming Anxiety and Depression, Spiritual Practices, Tantra, Tantra as a Spiritual Practice
Topics: Alignment with Your Soul, Anchoring Light from the Sun Meditation., Dealing with Grief, Guided Meditation, Healing Childhood Wounds, Menstruations, Passive Aggressive Behavior, Relationships, Relationships and Trust, Transmuting Anger, Why Are Menstruations Necessary?, Willfulness
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