Topics: Abstaining from Relationships, Avoiding Self-Condemnation, Dreams, Forgiveness, Potty training an infant, Spirituality and Appearance, Spirituality and Dating
Topics: Becoming More Surrendered, darkness, Doubting the Guru, Meditation and Christ Consciousness, Mission of a Disciple, Transmuting Anger and Rage Responsibly, Why We Create Physical Illness
Topics: Being Present with your Baby, COVID-19, Creating Miracles, Following your Dreams, Is Jesus God?, Mantra to lift out of Sadness and Victimhood
Topics: Attracting a Guru, Becoming Pure Love, Committing to God, denying miracles, Falling Asleep in Meditation, importance of surrender, Mystical Experiences, Rite of Passage for Young People, School Activities to Develop a Child, Walking with a Guru
Topics: Commitment to the Spiritual Path, Discounting Miracles, Mystical Experiences, Persistence on the Spiritual Path, Readiness to walk with a Guru, Rite of Passage for Young People, Schooling and Consciousness
Topics: Bhakti, breastfeeding, Guidance in Dreams, How to Stop Baby Crying, Parenting, Personal Tax System, Sacred Geometry, Sexual Intimacy after Birth, Transgender
Topics: Encounters with Divine Beings, Leaving a Child with a Caregiver, Mortality and Immortality, Protection from Darkness, Soul and Higher Self
Topics: Babies and Love, Experiences of Darshan, Parenting a Teenager, Planetary Changes, Second Babies, Tithing
Topics: Allergies, Children, Connecting with Your Inner Child, Homosexuality, importance of surrender, Long Term Goals, Open my Heart, Overcoming Anxiety, Parenting a toddler
Topics: Meditation
Topics: Accountability, Guru's Grace, Satsang, Spiritual Discipline, Spiritual Experiences, Starting a new Venture, Year of Beauty
Topics: Causes of the Patterns of Quitting, Children and ex-partner, Mantra for Setting Boundaries, Relationship With Your Guru, Relationships and Conflicts, Self- Mastery, Teaching Teenagers
Topics: Believing in Santa Claus, Going Against God's Will, How to Prioritize One's Day, Overcoming Victim Consciousness, Psychic Mopping, Spiritual Awakening
Topics: Into the Silence Meditation
Topics: Advanced Civilizations, Benefits of Gardening, Eye Gazing, Healing Childhood Wounds, Living near the Guru, Retirement, Shame Around Sexuality, Wisdom of Trees
Topics: Achieving Enlightenment, Dyslexia, Four Lower Bodies, Life After Death, Stock Market, Surrender to God, Teenagers and Sex
Topics: Mass Spiritual Awakening, Moving House, Parenting, Posting images of children, Sacred way to remove vegetation, Tithing, Transgender
Topics: control, Darshan events, Dealing with Anger, Dementia, denying miracles, disabilities and karma, Marriage and Spiritual Beliefs, nightmares, Respect for a Guru, siddis and spiritual powers, The Bible, The Everlasting Covenant, Why someone comes to a Guru
Topics: Dealing with Negativity, exercises for intimacy, Moral Code and Employment, Repeating Guru's name, thawing the emotional body, Why Did God Embark on Creation at All?
Topics: Letting Go of Control, Overcoming Anxiety and Depression, regret, Technology, Transmuting Anger and Rage Responsibly, watching news
Topics: Compassion, Do You Need a Guru?, Forgiveness, Importance of Obedience, Parenting a toddler, Parents on the soul's journey, prana, Psychic Mopping
Topics: Benefits of Chanting and Mantras, sex and sexuality, Spiritual Practices, Toning, waldorf schools
Topics: Dealing with Negative Comment, Forgiveness, healing emotional wounds, Living in Grace, Reincarnation
Topics: Angels, Being Grounded and Following a Schedule, Dealing with Hatred and Fear, fear of criticism, maya, Surrender
Topics: harmony, Meditation, Peace, Self-acceptance
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