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All questions or topics submitted are reviewed and added to our list of questions to be answered. While Louix does see all submissions, we cannot guarantee when or if your question will be answered.

Webcast Questions
1. Is surrender to God the best way to transcend the fear and torment I feel?
2. Is it okay for teenagers to sleep in the same bed as their girlfriend/boyfriend?
3. How do I overcome looking and acting like my mother?
4. Is a person’s death pre-ordained before birth?
5. Do loved ones who have died watch over us all the time, or just visit?
6. What happens when you die?
7. How can I help my daughter learn to live with dyslexia?
8. Have you bestowed Enlightenment, or God-realization onto any of your disciples?
9. How do you know whether it is your soul or your ego that attracts a love interest/partner to you?
10. What are your viewpoints on investing in the stock market?
11. Is it important to develop all four of our lower bodies (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual)?