Topics: Destiny vs. Choice, Do we Chose Who We Love?, Fulfilling Your Dharma, Is Everyone a Healer?, Overcoming Resistance, Parenting, Parenting a Teenager, Teens and Media, The Gifts of Unrequited Love, What is Grace?, Work and Spiritual Growth, Work and Spirituality
Topics: Are we Born with God's Grace?, Ashram vs Church, Can Disciples Pass On Louix's Grace?, Church Being The Body of Christ, Compassion, Compassion vs Pity, Difference Between Louix's Ashrams and Others, Differences Between Spiritual Masters, Divine Grace, Do Masters Speak Through Channels?, Emotional Healing and Diet, Forgiveness and Abuse, Forgiving Those Who Have Passed On, God's Grace, How Do Masters Communicate with us?, Is There Mortal Sin?, Using Food to Suppress Emotions, Vegan Diet, What is Grace?, Why you Draw Spiritual Masters in to Your Life
Topics: Benefits of Chanting and Mantras, Discourse on Eliminating Stress, Entities, How Can I Find More Peace?, How Raising our Vibration Effects Our Experiences, Meditation and Chanting, Nothing Outside of Self Exists, Our Electronic Make up, Separation from Source, Transitioning a Child from Home to School, Ways to Eliminate Stress and Create more Peace, What is Grace?, Why do Polarity and Dualism Exist?
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