Topics: Attaining Happiness, How Relationships Initiate, Overcoming Resistance, Purifying Oneself, Self-Purification, Surrender, The Art of Self Inquiry, Transformation
Topics: Chakra Cleansing, Cleansing Breath Meditation, Guided Meditation, Mother Earth Healing Us, Purifying Oneself, Self-Purification, Spiritual Practices
Topics: Benefits of Fasting, Detachment, healing, Purifying Oneself, Self-Purification, Spiritual Practices
Topics: Chakra Cleansing, Cleansing Breath Meditation, Guided Meditation, Mother Earth Healing Us, Self-Purification
Topics: Accountability, Attaining Mastery, Discipline and Spiritual Practices, Ego, Illusion of Free Will, Self-Purification, the importance of protections
Topics: Detachment, Enlightenment, Not caring, Self-Purification, Small Story, Victim Consciousness
Topics: Addictions, Best Practices to Develop Intuition, Can Anyone Be Infallible?, Dealing with Negative Energy, Drug Addiction, Expressing Feelings to Another, Forgiveness, Forgiveness and Family, Guidance for Spiritual Practices, Intuition, Overcomimg Negativity and Darkness, Overcoming Anxiety, Overcoming Fear of Speaking Up, Purging Negative Emotions, Scripture Vs Communion With God, Self-Purification, Spiritual Master's Infallability
Topics: Age of Lies, Ashram in New Zealand, Blocked Chakras, Chakras, Coming out as Gay, Homosexulality, Inauthenticity, Lying and Deceit, Obedience, Overcoming Anxiety, Overcoming Jealousy, Processing One's Emotions Responsibly, Repressed Emotions, Self-Purification, The Benefits of Darshan, Transmuting Anger and Rage Responsibly, Unworthiness and Self-Judgment
Topics: Attaining Happiness, Become Greater Love, Focus on God, Happiness is a Choice, Relationship with Self, Self-Purification, Sense Gratification
Topics: Accountability, Art of Introspection, Benefits of The New Year's Eve Retreat, Compassion, Compassion vs Pity, Complacency, Finding Your Guru, Golden Age, Is it Possible for The Human Race to Live in Peace and Harmony?, Nothing Outside of Self Exists, Overcoming Projection in Relationships, Past Lives, Physical Ailments, Reincarnation, Self-Purification, Selfishness, Vanity, Why Counseling is Helpful, Why We Create Physical Illness, Why We Need Light and Dark Experiences
Topics: Enlightenment, Homosexuality, Non-Judgment, Religion, Same Sex Marriage, Self-Purification, Tolerance, Unconditional Love
Topics: Cosmic Conciousness, Darshan, God-Realization, Hunger for God, Reactions to Darshan, Self-Purification, Shaktipat, The Benefits of Darshan
Topics: Acting in Love, Breaking the Ego, Direct Reflection, Discerning the Ego, Discernment, Ego, Nothing Outside of Self Exists, Self-Purification, Speaking to Children
Topics: Dharma, Life's Purpose, Self-Purification, Surrender, The Nature of Dharma
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