Topics: Crystals, Devotional Music, Overcoming Neediness, Parenting, Parenting a toddler, Sexuality, Spiritual Abilities in Children, Year of Giving
Topics: Causes of Mental Illness, Children and Food, Encouraging Children to Eat Healthy Foods, Fear of American Government's Collapse, Grace and Spiritual Progress, Guilt and Family, I AM Presence, Love and Fear, Mental Illness, Overcoming Neediness, Politics, Relationships and Neediness, Why Are People Afraid of Love?
Topics: Feeling Romantic Love for The Guru, Illness and God Experiences, Living Far Away from One's Guru, Other People Taking Credit, Overcoming Neediness, Resistance to Love, Seeing Balls of Light, Sensitivity and Being Around Others, Surrender and Letting God In, Tools for 2012
Topics: Comfort vs. Growth, Influence of Planets, Meaning of Being a Disciple, Migraines, Overcoming Fear of Speaking Up, Overcoming Neediness, Pranayama, Sleeping at the Wheel, The Past Present and Future, Types of Therapy Recommended, Why do Domestic Pets Exist
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