Topics: Charlatans, Empowering vs. Overpowering (Parenting), False Gurus, Judgment of Others, Overcoming Arrogance, Parenting, Relationships and Family, Self- Realization and Obstacles, Surrendering Your Life
Topics: Discourse on The Year of Unity, Discrimination, Judgment, Judgment of Others, Judgments, New Year's Dispensation, New Year's Eve Retreat, Oneness, Polarity, Positive Change, Prejudice, Principles of Unity, The Year of Unity, Transformation
Topics: Accepting Being Gay, Attachments and Desires, Happiness Comes From Within, Homophobia, How to Bring more God into Work, Judgment of Others, Judgments, Letting go of Desires, Louix's Partnering Program, Self-acceptance, Self-Love, The Nature of Desire, Vision Quests, why we create certain events or circumstances
Topics: Disciplining Children, Judgment of Others, Remembering Dreams, Starting a New Love Relationship, Taking a Newborn out of the Home
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