Topics: Drug Use and Teens, Fasting, Fear of God, Global Warming, Home Birth vs. Hospital Birth, Illness and God Experiences, Joyless Job
Topics: Advice for Raising a Child, AIDS, Body Aches, Finding Dharma, Importance of Family Meals, Is the End of the World Coming?, Loving Unconditionally, Need for a Guru, Resistance to Hearing the Truth, Yoga Recomendations
Topics: Affect of Healthy Lifestyle on Spiritual Growth, Homophobia, Importance of Service, Organized Religion, Sexual Dreams, Stress Reduction, Superfoods
Topics: Coming Out as a Homosexual, Curing Cancer, High Divorce Rate, How One Becomes Homosexual, Power of the Spoken Word, Purifying Oneself, Urine Therapy
Topics: Capitalizing Pronouns, Infestation of Bugs and Rodents, Integrating Light, Skin Issues, Vaccinations and Children
Topics: Four Lower Bodies Clearing Technique, Living in Grace, Miracle Journals, Pranic Breathing, The Empowerment Hour, Tithing
Topics: Celibacy, Create Your Own Reality, Fastest Path to Enlightenment, Inner Listening, Renunciates and God-Realization, Teaching a Child
Topics: A Touch of Divinity, Bliss, Ecstasy, Energy Surges and Shakti
Topics: The Year of Rebirth, Yearly Benediction
Topics: Being in the Present, Nothing is Coming, Overcoming Fear, The Art of Self Inquiry, Ways to be More Masterful
Topics: Enlightenment, Evolution of Consciousness, What does Enlightement Mean?
Topics: Becoming More Surrendered, Devotional Singing, Guided Meditation, Mastering Each Moment, Releasing the Martyr, Transcending Fear of Death
Topics: Desire to be Desireless, Direct Path to God, Follow Your Heart, God-Realization, Illusion of Free Will, Order of Creation, Pure Intention, The Right Use of Will
Topics: Become Greater Love, Dealing with Guilt and Shame, Desire for God, Faith, God's Will, Lasting Inner Peace, Nothing Outside of Self Exists, Self- Mastery, Self-Forgiveness, Self-Honesty, Walking in Mastery
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