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Louix leads a powerful chakra cleansing meditation “Earth/Sun Chakra Cleanse.”
Questions Answered:
- Will You please explain the difference between enlightenment and God-realization and perhaps what is required to attain God-realization?
- I have come to realize I have cut myself off from wealth and also my professional career because I had judgements about my parents who were both wealthy and highly successful in their careers. It’s great to accept these judgements so that I can move beyond them, and yes it’s painful to realise the potential I have denied in myself thus far. But at least I can move on now. Is this a common scenario for people to deny parts of their own potential by judging their parents and others?
- Please could you explain how important it is to support others on their spiritual journey and the benefits a person gains by helping others (especially when one chooses to live in a spiritual community). Conversely, what are the consequences of being selfish and ignoring the pleas for support from a close friend or fellow spiritual seeker?
- My teenage son has become very disrespectful towards me due to things that I have done in the recent past. I made a lot of bad choices lately and we have ended up in not a great situation. He is rude to me and I’m not sure how to stop it as I don’t have much leverage with him. I would like him to be respectful on his own accord. I know I can’t make him forgive me, but what am I best to do as it is hard to handle when he is rude to me?