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Louix begins with a meditation and chakra cleansing.The meditation uses the imagery of the trinity of suns. The sun in the solar system, the sun in the molten core of the Earth, and then see the flame of God’s love living in your heart as the third sun.
Questions answered:
- One of your quotes is “I am the cause and cure of all of my suffering.” Would you please expand on the meaning of this. Why do people choose to suffer?
- Could You please talk about the “Age of False Masters”. This is very topical at moment and I wish to understand more about this.
- I know my father and paternal grandmother have been very fearful about the world and that these attitudes have been passed on to me. The way these beliefs have expressed themselves with me is as anxiety. I have been addressing the fears and associated behaviours with that have been passed on me and feel more relaxed and healthier for it. The more I address these fears how will it affect my father? Will it have any impact on him at all given we share many of the same beliefs and behaviours? Can I heal distorted beliefs and issues for my whole family, even for those that have passed (like my grandmother)?
- I have had times where I have been forgetful and not present. I also know I have much buried and repressed anger (and other feelings). How much does repressed emotion cloud someone’s judgement and event ability to be present?
- I was mercilessly bullied by one of my parents and have been quite anxious my whole life because of this. I feel like this fear has affected my whole demeanour, like the way I stand, walk, and even speak. How do I unravel these fear-based habits so I can walk and stand straighter, and speak clearly? What sort of traits can you see in a person who has been bullied a lot?