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Webcast Questions
- I have only recently discovered that following your advice spares me a lot of pain, suffering, and wasted time.
- How can I stay positive in the midst of all of the madness in the world?
- How does learning from computers rather than from live teachers affect a child’s psyche?
- What can I do about all the road rage that I see and feel all the time?
- How do tattoos affect your aura and consciousness?
- What is Mother Earth trying to tell us by the way of the exponentially accelerating Earth and climatic events?
- Why did I experience sudden and intense pain when I called your consciousness into mine?
- I have great concerns about my 18-year-old spending time with his grandfather.
- How does a technique to activate the kundalini differ from receiving shaktipat from a spiritual Master?
- I don’t understand why, for weeks now, I keep receiving free gifts of food and merchandise at a nearby coffee house?
- Despite all of my efforts, why do I keep experiencing lack in romance and money?