Topics: Achieving Enlightenment, Cosmetic Surgery and Being Authentic, Enlightenment, Evolution of Consciousness, Fear vs Love, Financial Troubles, Purifying Oneself, Repressed Emotions, Resistance to Love, Spiritual Practice and Healers, Spiritual Practices, Transmuting Emotions, Transmuting Karma
Topics: Avatar, Benefits of Being in the Presence of a Master, Can and Enlightened Being Un-Enlighten?, Complacency, Difference Between Shakti and Grace, Divine Perspective on Politics, Does Love for God Absolve Karma?, Enlightenment and Emotions, Enlightenment and Fear-based Consciousness, Karma, Overcoming Trauma, Power and Greed, Selfishness, Shakti Vs Grace, Transmuting Karma, Was Jesus an Avatar?, What Are The Akashic Records?
Topics: Church and Salvation, Creating Divine Protection, Crying, Darshan from Louix's Viewpoint, Explanation of Darshan, Feeling is Healing, Grace of The Master, Grids/Protections and Meditations, Guru Absolving Pain, Release Suppressed Sadness and Grief, Transmuting Karma, Why is it Difficult for Some People to Cry?
Topics: Chakras, Direct Reflection, Integrating Light, Karma, Relationships, SatGuru, SatGuru vs Guru, Transmuting Karma, Transmuting Karma for Parents
Topics: Karma, Law of Balance, Transmuting Karma, Understanding Karma
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