Topics: Acceptance of all Circumstances, Chanting the Master's Name, Children and Rough Play, Descent of Grace, Faith, Meditation and Chanting, Serving at an Ashram
Topics: Accountability, Attuning to God's Will, Attuning to Your Baby, God/Guru and Self/Soul Explained, Having a Baby, How Relationships Initiate, How to Help Ones who are Bipolar, How to Hold Others Accountable, Meditation and Chanting, Processing One's Emotions Responsibly, Purging Negative Emotions, Relationships, Why People Become Bipolar
Topics: Benefits of Chanting and Mantras, Discourse on Eliminating Stress, Entities, How Can I Find More Peace?, How Raising our Vibration Effects Our Experiences, Meditation and Chanting, Nothing Outside of Self Exists, Our Electronic Make up, Separation from Source, Transitioning a Child from Home to School, Ways to Eliminate Stress and Create more Peace, What is Grace?, Why do Polarity and Dualism Exist?
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