Topics: Accountability, Detachment, Feeling is Healing, Healing Childhood Wounds, Inner Peace, Mastering the Critical Mind, Parental Criticism, Self-Criticism, Spiritual Practices, The Art of Self Inquiry
Topics: Crying and Healing, Difficulty in Creating Success, DNA and Spiritual Evolution, Do You Need a Guru?, Healing Childhood Wounds, Introverts, Mastering the Critical Mind, Not Feeling Good Enough, Passion For Life, Self-Esteem, Self-Love and Self-Worth, Spiritual Practices and Passion for Life, Successful Life
Topics: Abortion, Attaining Happiness, Becoming More Creative, Creativity and Music, Emotions, Grace of The Master, Mastering the Critical Mind, Polarity, Practicing Louix's Teachings, Processing One's Emotions Responsibly, Self-Criticism, Self-Indulgence in One's Emotions, Vision Quests, Why do Polarity and Dualism Exist?
Topics: Cult, Invocation of The Christ and The Everlasting Covenant, Mastering the Critical Mind, Mastering the Laws of Cause and Effect, Practising Unconditional Love is The Best Way to Help Others, Self-Condemnation, Unconditional Love, Understanding Resistance to Spiritual Practises, What is a Cult?
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