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Louix begins the webcast with pranic breathing. This is followed by toning along with a crystal bowl.
- I am extremely grateful for your wisdom and guidance in my life.
- I have three questions about reincarnation.
- What is the proper way to deal with negative comments one receives?
- What is the best possible sleep schedule for a baby and parents?
- Is it true that our wounds affect every aspect of our life until we heal them?
- Will Earth one day be transformed into God’s vision of paradise?
- Is it through the study and practice of spiritual teachings that more of our brain’s capacity opens up to us?
- How can I feel happy and connected in a city home when I yearn to live in the country?
- How can I forgive myself and others at a deeper level?
- What can I do to inspire an inner awakening and passion for life?
- Will clearing rage improve other areas of one’s life?