Topics: Accountability, Detachment, Feeling is Healing, Healing Childhood Wounds, Inner Peace, Mastering the Critical Mind, Parental Criticism, Self-Criticism, Spiritual Practices, The Art of Self Inquiry
Topics: Church and Salvation, Creating Divine Protection, Crying, Darshan from Louix's Viewpoint, Explanation of Darshan, Feeling is Healing, Grace of The Master, Grids/Protections and Meditations, Guru Absolving Pain, Release Suppressed Sadness and Grief, Transmuting Karma, Why is it Difficult for Some People to Cry?
Topics: Desires, Detachment, Feeling is Healing, Letting go of Desires, Opening the Emotional Body, Oppression, Surrender, Why is it Difficult for Some People to Cry?
Topics: Cults, Dealing with Sadness and Grief, Dealing with the Death of a Loved One, Death, Feeling is Healing, How to Have a Healthy and Loving Relationship, Relationships, Release Suppressed Sadness and Grief, Why do some people think all Gurus and Ashrams are Cults?
Topics: Feeling is Healing, Television Show called Spiritual Exploration
Topics: Accountability, Feeling is Healing, The Key to Mastering Life's Lessons, Understanding Victim Consciousness and Projection, What is Enlightenment?, What is Takes to Become Enlightened, What is the Ego?
Topics: AIDS, Effects of Alcohol, Feeling and Detachment, Feeling is Healing, Forgiveness, Is Earth Optimally Populated?, Is There an Increase in Sexual Crimes?, Sacred Sites, Sustainability, What is Enlightenment?
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