Topics: Healing PTSD, Mismatched Libido in Relationships, Parenting, Parenting a toddler, Toddlers and Animals
Topics: Crystals, Devotional Music, Overcoming Neediness, Parenting, Parenting a toddler, Sexuality, Spiritual Abilities in Children, Year of Giving
Topics: Avoiding Change, Being Ill, Caring for Others, Changing Negativity, Changing One's Thoughts, Child Surrogacy, Giving Children Chores, Nothing Outside of Self Exists
Topics: Accepting Being Gay, Becoming More Surrendered, Complacency, Conspiracy Theories, Devotion, Spiritual Tools, Vision Quests
Topics: Gratitidue vs. Complaining, Homosexuality, Mantle of Grace of the Guru, Parenting, Self-Love, Surrender
Topics: Achieving Enlightenment, Comparing oneself to others, Parenting a toddler, Spiritual Practices
Topics: Meditation
Topics: Merging in Bliss Meditation
Topics: Community, Crying and Healing, Dogs and Toddlers, Facing Self-Truths, Guru Absolving Pain, Habits, Love Affair with God, Passionate Life, Thinking of God
Topics: breastfeeding, Gratitude, Losing Weight, Speaking Up, Toning
Topics: "Limitless" the movie, Gun Violence and Children, Helping Children to Socialize, Inner Realms and Worlds, Self- Mastery, Temptation, Work and Spiritual Growth
Topics: Angels, Caressed by Angels Meditation
Topics: Children of Disciples, Forgetting Childhood Pain and Trauma, Psycho-emotional Nature of Illness, Speech Therapy for Children, True Healing
Topics: Braces for Children's Teeth, Confronting Conversations, Healing Addictions, Rewilding
Topics: Silent Meditation and Transmission
Topics: Arthritis, Dating and Marriage, Dealing with a Partner who Has Different Parenting Views, Dealing With Overwhelm, Etiquette and Manners, Including father in breastfeeding, Meeting a Guru
Topics: Choosing to be Kind and Loving, How to end a Relationship, Moving through suffering, Overcoming Negative Beliefs, Preventing mass shootings
Topics: Convalescence, Depression, Jesus and his life, Mid-life Crisis, Religion and Spirituality, Retirement, The Oscars 2022
Topics: Being Noticed, Conscious Awakening, Importance of a Loving Mindset, Palm Springs, Relationship with God, Self-Purification versus Bliss Expereiences, The Year of Redemption, Victimhood, Young Children and Spirituality
Topics: Asexual, Avatars and Masters, Polyamory, Teasing Others
Topics: Academy Awards 2022, Asking for help, Entitlement, Friendships, Homophobia, Joy of Serving
Topics: Achieving Enlightenment, God's plan for our lives, Keeping up with Technology, Near-Death Experience, Sexual Tastes and Preferences, Single Mom
Topics: Babies in a Harness, Dangers of Sloth, Forgiveness, Parenting Teenagers, Personal Change, Relationships and Love, Spiritual Path, The Heart Always Knows, Transmuting Anger and Rage Responsibly
Topics: Abstaining from Relationships, Avoiding Self-Condemnation, Dreams, Forgiveness, Potty training an infant, Spirituality and Appearance, Spirituality and Dating
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